Every self-published author wears three hats. (My—how stylish!) I’m a writer, a publisher, and a marketer, and it’s the Venn diagram overlap between publishing and marketing that has my head spinning.
Because GWENDOLYN, listen to what I’ve learned!
I get to list seven keywords when I publish my novel. When people search for one of those keywords, Amazon will say “here’s someone who lists that keyword for her book.” Of course, I’m probably one of many, many thousands who have opted to list “steamy romantic comedy books” as one of my seven, right?
So Amazon goes farther afield. They look at my title and my subtitle (which is why my brand-new subtitle is now “a laugh-out-loud romantic comedy”). They look at my book description. And because I’ve now linked my blog to my Amazon Author Central page, they’re also looking at MY BLOG.
Which becomes another entry in the massive search engine. (Amazon’s search engine is the second-largest in the world. Only Google has them beat.)
So I can use my blog posts to talk about the things I want Amazon to know about me. So allow me, please, to list a few things that I’ve discovered through my Facebook ads. People who like my book also like…
Janet Evanovich
Nora Roberts
Deadpool (if they’re women)
Christina Lauren
(and here’s where my list gets really fun…)
Dwayne Johnson, AKA The Rock
Taylor Swift (people over the age of 30)
And Schitt’s Creek.
Nice, huh?? Next up, I’m going to test how the followers of this list respond to my writing. They are:
Will Smith
P!nk (or Pink)
Ed Sheeran
The TV show Bones
Dolly Parton
John Mayer
The show Lucifer
And the movie The Princess Bride.
There. That’s a lot of information for the Amazon search engine! Go forth, little search engine; tell the world about my books!
Also: A marketing expert told me that people who buy cosy mysteries also tend to buy kitty litter, which made me howl with delight, so now I’ve said the product but misspelled the book genre. THAT should work to my advantage! Plus—I have a cat. So, there.